Park 47

Example page all blocks

On this page you can see an example of all possible blocks. For more help you can of course call or email Arjen Mehlkop.

Block with columns and icons

This block is mainly used for trust factors, for example. You can view all available icons at: You must add 3 columns.

Jens Gehlings - CEO Novaform Deutschland

Call to action

Use this block for a CTA: We are happy to tell you more about our services or to refer you to the right contact person within our organization.

Formulier block

You can adjust the title and text of this block as desired. However, you cannot adjust the input fields.

When someone completes the form, an email is sent. You can set what is in that email yourself. You can set this up in Mailchimp (you can also add a download button here, for example).

You will receive more detailed information about this block by email

Adres e-mail
Numer telefonu
Zugspitzstraße Duisburg

Image in Pentagon with text

This is logically a KlokGroep block, but all corporates may use this if necessary/desired.

With all blocks of text you have at least the option to

  • enumerations (also numerically)
  • Text formatting such as bold and italic

And of course also the H2's, H3's and as I always say:

"quotes are also possible"

Buttons are always possible with almost all blocks

Park 47

Image with foldouts

This block has no button functionality in it by default. However, there are a number of options you have to optimize it for your websites.

Tip: do you want to add a blank line? Then use "shift + enter"

We can do these with and without icons. The icons are now just the corporate logos. More options will be added in the future if needed

You can choose to place the fold-outs on the left or right. The text will then appear on the other side.

Standard buttons are not possible for all blocks. In the text editor you always have the option to add a link to your text. So, for example, read more

H2, H3 or H4

You can often just select at the text elements to make a subheading yourself in a different place.

Kalkumer Höfe

Wonen op de Set, Nijmegen Noord

With this block you can choose to show larger or smaller images. You can also add multiple links to link to

Danziger Platz Krefeld-Linn

Image with text

Sometimes a block is as simple as it seems. With this block with an image and text you can choose, just like with most other blocks, to swap the image and text (left and right).

In addition, you also have the option for a large image or a smaller image. Or a video

The disadvantage is that to make this image look nice, you need a lot of text. So to fill it I googled a joke:

Which concert only costs 45 cents? 50 Cent with Nickelback!

A cheese factory exploded in France. Da brie is everywhere!

Want to hear a joke about construction? I'm still working on it.

What did the left eye say to the right eye? Something smells between us!

Example image with text - with video

The block looks like this if you add a video instead of an image


XL image with text and button

With this block you can choose whether the text is on the left or right. The text will be in a box that falls over the photo.
A block from the photo is therefore also missing.

Button possible


Artist Impressie van het luxe appartementencomplex Loyd, NIjmegen

Artist Impressie van het luxe appartementencomplex Loyd, NIjmegen

Noorderkwartier rijwoningen zij-aanzicht

Noorderkwartier rijwoningen zij-aanzicht

Hoge Hoek tweekapper zij-aanzicht

Hoge Hoek tweekapper zij-aanzicht

Tilburg genoot mee van de lichtshow

Tilburg genoot mee van de lichtshow en deelde foto's op social media, waaronder dit mooie exemplaar van fotografe Janneke van Rooij

Full widt media

it is possible to add an image or multiple images full widt


Luchtfoto Dekkerswald Groesbeek

Wurck 7

Dekkerswald Groesbeek

Holzenbosch Voorthuizen

Holzenbosch Voorthuizen, appartementencomplex

Text block

This is a text block. This is quite simple, but nevertheless very useful to make the connection with several blocks.

"This block is the Testimonial block. There are 2 options. Full width or not. You can put a statement, testimonial, quote, etc."

Arjen Mehlkop (lookalikes)
Director of this website
Groene Doedag Groesbeek

This is random text purely for example

This is random text purely for example

This is random text purely for example

Text with foldouts

The "Text with foldouts" block is identical to the image with foldouts block. So this is with a text instead of an image. Other than that there is nothing else.

Text over image

You can use this block to place text and or buttons in an image. Depending on your house style, you can make this image full width or not.

Deelensput, Druten

Text with contentcards -boxed content

In this block it is possible to place text in an image or under the image. With or without link. In addition, there are the necessary changes that you can make. You can choose to use square or landscape images. You can place 2,3 or 4 images in a row

Title with rich text modules

about us

This is a block consisting of a title, link or button (optional) depending on your house style and possible to add text blocks (comes per row)

So you can write an extensive story with the standard text options here. It's quite a nice block away.

For several companies this was for example in the design for under the header.

But in design or not, it offers you the opportunity to build your page nicely.

Two colums with content

This block combines two rows with an image and possibly a button/link (depending on house style).

This is essentially made for NF, but usable for all corporates. So definitely use it if you can use it and it's an added value.

De Cattenburcht, Druten
De Cattenburcht, Druten

The idea is that on the left the image is at the bottom and on the right the image is at the top. The text is logically reversed.
This makes for a more playful layout.

Button to somewhere
Logo_KlokGroep2023_FC-600 px

USP with logo and text

This is still rough and mainly inspired by the M² of NF. So if you want to highlight something per project, for example. But there is still some work to be done on the technical layout.

Our speciality

KlokGroep specializes in the entire process from initiation to management. The separate specialisms provide specific tailor-made services.

  • L'Etage appartementencomplex & commerciële ruimte